
发布时间:2019-08-08 点击:


ironware 例句
    "If legs were supplied, unpack the legs and mounting hardware." 如果有配置支架,先打开包装,并安装五金构件。 An ironmonger"s 五金店 I never did learn how Dad managed to arrange Bogy"s presence that afternoon, but I know he had trusted me to make the right choice. 我始终没弄清爸爸那天下午是怎么安排博吉出现在五金店的,但是我知道他相信我能够做出正确的选择。 That afternoon I trudged downtown to Dad's hardware store, figuring he wanted the windows washed or something. 那天下午我拖着懒懒的脚步进了市区,到我爸爸的五金店去,心想他准是要我擦玻璃或是干别的什么活。 It was then that the clerk from Ashbridge"s Hardware arrived, disheveled and angry 正在那时,阿什市里奇五金铺里的店员跑来了,他衣冠不整,满脸怒气。 Mrs. Smith conducts a successful hardware business. 史密斯太太经营五金生意很成功。 Local hardware stores cant compete with discount outlets. 地方五金商店不能与那些削价商行相竞争。 The machine suitable for popular commodity like the toy, statlonery, durgs, candy, electronic parts, hardware and etc., instant envelop. 本机适于一般大众化的商品,诸如玩具、具、品、果、子零件、五金等之瞬间密封包装。 He got his windmill on a system of easy payments that staggered even the ironmonger himself. 他买下了风车,付款条件之优惠,连五金商本人都感到惊异。 Now at Lowe’s we’ll custom-cut your new blinds! right in the store $697 each. Your choice. Lowe五金店为您定做新型百叶窗!每扇仅为679美元,您的最佳选择。




