
发布时间:2019-08-12 点击:


transform 例句
    We need to comply with nature, return nature to its original appearance, and not for short-term profit blindly transform the nature. 我们要顺应自然,还自然以本来的面目,而不是为眼前的利益去盲目地改造自然。 The general line, the general programme, industrialization and socialist transformation should be discussed at the forthcoming October conference 总路线,总纲领,工业化,社会主义改造,十月开会,要讲一下。 One of the long,whiplike,modified zooids on the surface of certain bryozoan colonies. 振鞭体,鞭器一种长的改造过的鞭状游动精子,在某些苔藓虫寄生地表面生长 A total of 200 inland waterway berths will be revamped or built, adding 25 million tons of handling capacity 改造和新建内河泊位200个,新增吞吐能力2500万吨。 Thanks to the rapid progress of the industry which he had so admirably re-constructed, M. sur M. had become a rather important centre of trade 由于那种工业经过他的巧妙改造,获得了迅速的发展,滨海蒙特勒伊便成了一个重要的企业中心。 He has some abstract (ie vague, impractical) notion of wanting to change the world 他有一种要改造世界的空想 The prevailing logic becomes even more strained when consideration turns to patenting a cell, or a genetically modified organ, or a whole animal. 要为一个细胞,一个通过基因改造的器官或是一个整体动物申请专利,则更难符合目前盛行的逻辑了。 During the Pleistocene Ice Age, the ancient drainage systems were almost completely rearranged by glaciation 在更新世冰期,古水系常被冰川作用完全改造。 Active terminology recognition,concordance searching,ergonomic user interface,and so on and so forth 积极的术语识别,一致性查找,人类环境改造学用户接口,等等 During the five years, the sector built 5,700 km of railways, 4,100 km of double-tracked lines and electrified 4,300 km of lines 完成新线铺轨5700公里,增建复线铺轨4100公里,既有线电气化改造4300公里。




