
发布时间:2019-08-11 点击:


=London Labour Library 伦敦劳工图书馆[英] 例句
    Surrounded by a ridge or raised, wall-like structure. 壁垒状的被隆起或立起的墙状结构包围的 The great streets were wall-lined mysteries to her; the vast offices, strange mazes which concerned far-off individuals of importance. 街上那些高墙耸立的商号对她来说又是一些不可捉摸的谜。那些大写字间就像一些神秘莫测的迷宫,另一头通向远方的大人物。 "Occurring or tending to occur among members of a family, usuallly by heredity" "发生于或可能发生于家庭成员之间的,尤指因遗传引起." "fiddlehead:a curved, scroll-like ornamentation at the top of a ship"s bow that resembles the neck of a violin." "艏饰:在船首最高处的弯曲的、纸卷一样的装饰物,形状象提琴颈." Her gaze rested for a moment on the muscular neck, heavy corded, almost bull-like, bronzed by the sun, spilling over with rugged health and strength 她的目光在那肌肉发达的脖子上停留了片刻,那脖子被太阳晒成了青铜色,筋位突出,洋溢着粗糙的健康与强力,几乎像公牛。 Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on , heals all wounds, runs out and will tell.leonhard --Frank, Cerman novelist 时间是个多才多世的表演者。它能飞,能大步前进,能治愈一切创伤,即使消逝,也能留下影响。德国小说家弗兰克 In the summer of 1879 Manet tented a house in the country at Bellvue, where he drew flowers, still-lifes and rustic scenes 1879年夏,马奈在贝尔芜乡间租了 Gradually the other features, especially the sensitive full-lipped mouth, grew upon me as I stood silently gazing. 我静静地站在一边,注视关她,渐渐地看清了她容貌的其他部分,尤其是那一张灵敏、丰满的小嘴。 In the stinging rain and the chillling snow she toils unceasingly, uncomplainingly, living wholly in the hope of her husband"s return. 冷雨如针、寒雪刺骨,她不停地、毫无怨言地做着苦工,完全生活在丈夫将会回来这一希望之中。 Perhaps this is all befalllen us on your account, like Jonah in the ship of Tarshish. 也许,我们这次大难临头,正是由于你上了我们的船的缘故,就像约拿上了开往他施的船一样。



