
发布时间:2021-07-19 点击:





  Fox is with the grape
  Hungry of the fox see the grape to up hang the radiant and extremely keen grape of a string, saliva direct current, and want to pick to eat, but again
  Can not take off.See in a short while, helplessly walked, and his side walk the side oneself to comfort to by oneself say:" this grape have noes familiar, affirmative
  Is sour."
  This is to say, and the some person's ability is small, and do to not accomplish anything, borrow to say the opportune moment immaturity.
  Wolf and egret
  The wolf mistake swallowed a piece of bone, very suffered, running about, look for to visit the doctor everywhere.He met the egret, and talk to settle the service fees to invite him to take out the bone, egret to stretch in the wolf's throat the own head, and the 叼 outs bone, then toward to settle the good service fees wolfThe wolf answer says:" hello, friend, you can since the wolf 嘴 take back the head in the peace ground, and the difficult way return the dissatisfied foot, and how and still speak the guerdon?"
  This story elucidation, guerdon badly person act charitably, and is a bad person of cognition and does not speak the reputation's innate character.
  Little boy and scorpion son
  There is a child in front of city wall to catch the grasshopper, and in a short while caught the lots of.Suddenly see a scorpion son, he to think is also grasshopper,
  Then two go to catch him.The scorpion son raises his poison to stab, say:" come, if you really dare to do like this, connect your grasshopper that catch to also would entirely lose."
  This story warns people, and want to distinguish the pure good man with the bad person, and distinct to treat them.
  Drop at the fox in the well with the 公 goat
  An only the fox take a wrong stepped the well, in spite of how he struggle can not still climb up, and have to be foolish there.The 公 goat feels
  Thirsty pole, arrive at this well the side, and see the fox under the well, and then ask him the well water the how about it to drink?The fox feels the opportunity to come, heart inside
  The 暗 pleaseds, right away the town quiet down, make every effort the laudation well water good drink, say this water is a world the first spring, pure and sweet and good to eat, and advise the goat to hurry up
  Come down, and drink to heart's content with him.A the heart think only of to drink the water letter to think the true goat, then the without stopping to think ground jump downed to go to, and be his 咕咚咕 the 咚 painful
  After finishing drinking, have to with the fox together totally the company ascend the well's way.Fox early contain preparation, he to archly say:" I pour to have a
  Method.You pick with forepaw on the well wall, again Cape 竖直 , I behind carry on the back to jump up the well to go to from you, and pull you again to come up, we all
  Save." the 公 goat agreed his proposal, fox to trample the feet of his empress, and jump he carry top on his back, and then make an effort from the Cape a
  Jump, jump outed the mouth of a well.The fox go ups the hereafter, and the preparation alone escape.The 公 goat blames the fox and does not keep the 诺 speech.The fox returns overdo
  Say to 公 goat:" hello, friend, beard that you of brains if resemble you are so perfect, you not to the extent of at did not see the pure exit it
  Front blindly jump down to go to."
  This story elucidation, cleverness of the person should to in advance think it over the affair's result, then just go to do.


[伊索寓言双语英语小故事] 伊索寓言英语故事

  在进行小学英语教学时,将英语随堂练习的各项内容有机融入英语故事中,能有效提升练习的趣味性,促进学生学习。小编精心收集了伊索寓言双语英语小故事,供大家欣赏学习!  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇1

  The Old,The Old Wine


  Once there lived a rich man who was justly proud of his cellar and the wine therein. And there was one jug of ancient vintage kept for some occasion known only to himself.


  The governor of the state visited him, and he bethought him and said, “That jug shall not be opened for a mere governor.”


  And a bishop of the diocese visited him, but he said to himself, “Nay, I will not open that jug. He would not know its value, nor would its aroma reach his nostrils.”


  The prince of the realm came and supped with him. But he thought, “It is too royal a wine for a mere princeling.”


  And even on the day when his own nephew was married, he said to himself, “No, not to these guests shall that jug be brought forth.”


  And the years passed by, and he died, an old man, and he was buried like unto every seed and acorn.


  And upon the day that he was buried the ancient jug was brought out together with other jugs of wine, and it was shared by the peasants of the neighbourhood. And none knew its great age.


  To them, all that is poured into a cup is only wine

  对他们说来,凡是倒进酒杯里的,都不过是酒罢了。  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇2


  On a stormy day, the crab went strolling along the beach.


  He was surprised to see the lobster preparing to set sail in his boat. Lobster,” said the crab, “it is foolhardy to venture out on a day like this. “

  它着到龙 虾准备扬帆出海,很是吃惊。 “龙虾,”螃蟹说,”在这样的天气里出海冒险,你真是太鲁莽了!”

  Perhaps so, said the lobster, but I love a squall at sea! “ “I will come with you, “ said the will not let you face such danger alone. “

  “或许吧,H龙虾说,可是,我喜欢海上的风暴。” “我和你一起去吧,一螃蟹说,一我不能让你独自面对这样的

  The lobster and the crab began their voyage. Soon they found themselves far from shore.


  Their boat was tossed and buffeted by the turbulent waters. “Crab! “ shouted the lobsterabove the roar of the wind.

  它们的小船被汹涌的海水颠簸着、击打着。 “螃蟹!”龙虾的喊声压过了呼啸的狂风,”

  For me, the splashing of the salt spray is thrilling! The crashing of every wave takes my breathaway “Lobster, I think we are sinking” cried the crab. had to admit that the day had beenpleasantly out of the ordinary.

  对我来说,浪花的 飞溅使我兴奋不已,每一个浪头涌来都让我惊心动魄。”

  ”Yes, of course, we are sinking, ‘ said the lobster. “This old boat is full of holes. Have courage,my friend. Remember, we are both creatures of the sea.”

  “龙虾,我觉得我们在下沉。”螃蟹大喊道。 -是的,当然,我们在下沉。”龙虾说,“这只旧船到处都是洞。

  The little boat capsized and sank. “ Horrors ! “ cried the crab. “Down we go!” shouted thelobster. The crab was shaken and upset.

  勇敢点儿,我的朋友。记住,咱们俩都是海里的动物。” 小船翻了,沉了下去。 “太可怕了!”螃蟹大叫。

  The lobster took him for a relaxing walk along the ocean floor. “How brave we are,” said thelobster “What a wonderful adventure we have had The crab began to feel somewhat better.

  “我们下去喽!”龙虾大喊着。 这样东摇西摆,螃蟹很不舒服。龙虾拉着它放松地在海底 走着。 _我们多勇敢啊,”龙虾说,这次冒险太棒了!” 螃蟹觉得好些了。

  Although he uauslly enjoyed a quieter existence, he had to admit that the day had beenpleasantly out of the ordinary

  虽然它平时过着平静的生活,但是它不得 不承认,这一天过得异乎寻常的愉快。  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇3


  A man bought a Donkey at the market one day and took him home on approval.


  Now the man owned several Donkeys already and he knew each one’s character very well.


  One of the Donkey was very strong and brave. Another was eager to please but quicklyexhausted.


  One Donkey was very lazy. He hated going to work in the morning and he did as little as hepossibly could all day long.


  When the other animals were being loaded up he always tried to be the last so that he wouldget the lightest load.


  The man led the new Donkey into the stable yard. For a moment he stood sniffing at his newcompanions. Then, without hesitation, he trotted up to the lazy Donkey and began feedingcomfortably at his side.


  Though it was late in the day, the man immediately led the new Donkey out of the yard, straightback to the market.


  ”You cannot have given him a fair trial yet, “said the merchant. “It is only ten minutes sinceyou bought him.”


  ”I don’t need to try him any more,” replied the man. “I know just what he is like from the friendhe chose for himself.


  Take him away and give me my money back. I can do without Donkeys like him.”




Making His Mark “刻舟求剑”

A man from the state of Chu was taking a boat across a river when he dropped his sword into the water carelessly. Immediately he made a mark on the side of the boat where the sword dropped, hoping to find it later. When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to search for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat. As we know, the boat had moved but the sword had not. Isn’t this a very foolish way to look for a sword?


To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow “拔苗助长”

Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who planted a plot of rice. After he planted the seedlings, every day he went to the field to watch the seedlings grow. He saw the young shoots break through the soil and grow taller each day, but still, he thought they were growing too slowly. Eventually he got impatient with the young plants and suddenly he hit upon an idea that one by one, he pulled up the young plants by half an inch. The next early morning, the young man couldn’t wait to check his “achievement”, but he was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying.

从前,有个农夫,种了稻苗(seedlings)后,便希望能早早收成。每天他到稻田时,都发觉那些稻苗长得非常慢。他等得很不耐烦。想了又想,他终于想到一个“最佳方法”,他将稻苗全都拔高了几分。第二天,一早起身,他迫不及待地去稻田看他的“成果”。 哪知,却看到所有的稻苗都枯萎了。

Plugging One’s Ears While Stealing a Bell “掩耳盗铃”

Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to steal his neighbor’s doorbell. However, he knew clearly that the bell would ring and catch the other people’s attention as long as he touched the bell. So he thought hard and suddenly hit on a clever “idea”. He plugged his ears with something, thinking that everything would go well when he stole the bell. Unfortunately to his disappointment, the bell still rang loudly and he was caught on the spot as a thief.


The Fox and the Crow “狐狸和乌鸦”

One day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his mouth. At that time, a fox saw the crow with the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat. However, whatever the fox said to the crow, the crow just kept silent. Until the fox thought highly of the crow’s beautiful voice, the crow felt flattered and opened his mouth to sing. As soon as the meat fell down to the ground, the fox took the meat and went into his hole.


Draw a Snake and Add Feet to It “画蛇添足”

Long long ago, several people had a jar of wine among them and all of them wanted to drink it by himself. So they set a rule that every one would draw a snake on the ground and the man who finished first would have the wine. One man finished his snake very soon and he was about to drink the wine when he saw the others were still busy drawing, so he decided to draw the feet to the snake. However, before he could finish the feet, another man finished and grabbed the jar from him, saying, "Who has ever seen a snake with feet?” The story of "Draw a snake and add feet to It.” tells us going too far is as bad as not going far enough.





  小学英语寓言小故事1  The phoenix

  Many ages had now passed away since the Phoenix had been seen in the world. At last he again appeared. Immediately al the different kinds of animals, both birds and beasts, flocked around him.

  Astonished at his beauty, they stared and admired, and broke out into great praise. But in a short time, the wisest and most prudent(谨慎的) amongst them began to look upon him with an eye of compassion, and they sighed,"O unhappy phoenix! Fate has been hard to him. He has neither mate nor friend. He will never know the pleasure of loving, or of being loved."

  小学英语寓言小故事2  Building the third storey without the first two

  A long time ago, there was a rich man whose foolishness knew no bounds(无限).

  The fool visited another rich man's house and saw a magnificent three-storeyed building which was tall, spacious and bright. He was extremely envious and said to himself, "my wealth is no less than his. Why haven't I got a house like this?"

  He immediately called in a carpenter. "Did you build that house?" He inquired, "Yes, indeed," answered the carpenter, whereupon he ordered a similar house be built for him.

  The carpenter started to clear the ground and pile up mud bricks, When the fool saw the carpenter do this, he was puzzled and asked, "What kind of a house are you going to build?" "A three-storeyed house," came the reply. "I don't want the first and second storeys. Build the top storey first." "That simply cannot be done," the carpenter argued. "Whoever heard of building the second storey without first constructing the ground storey, and without the second storey, how can you build the third?"

  But the fool insisted, "I don't need the first two storeys. You must build only the top storey for me."

  小学英语寓言小故事3  he impossible Gate keeper

  A man was about to go away on a long journey. He told his servant, "You keep an eye on the gate and look after the donkey."

  After the master had left, the servant heard someone playing music in the neighborhood. Unable to restrain himself, he wanted to go there and listen. Feeling ill at ease, he roped the gate onto the donkey's back and made it carry the gate all the way to the site of the show.

  With the servant gone, all the valuables in the house were stolen by thieves. When the master returned he asked, "Where are my valuables?" The servant replied, "Master, you only told me to keep on the gate and the donkey with the leash. Apart from them, l know nothing of the whereabouts of your things."

  The master declared, "l left you here to guard the gate precisely for the sake of looking after my valuables. With all my valuables gone, what is the good of having a gate?"


[伊索寓言双语英语小故事] 伊索寓言英语故事


  在进行小学英语教学时,将英语随堂练习的各项内容有机融入英语故事中,能有效提升练习的趣味性,促进学生学习。小编精心收集了伊索寓言双语英语小故事,供大家欣赏学习!  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇1

  The Old,The Old Wine


  Once there lived a rich man who was justly proud of his cellar and the wine therein. And there was one jug of ancient vintage kept for some occasion known only to himself.


  The governor of the state visited him, and he bethought him and said, “That jug shall not be opened for a mere governor.”


  And a bishop of the diocese visited him, but he said to himself, “Nay, I will not open that jug. He would not know its value, nor would its aroma reach his nostrils.”


  The prince of the realm came and supped with him. But he thought, “It is too royal a wine for a mere princeling.”


  And even on the day when his own nephew was married, he said to himself, “No, not to these guests shall that jug be brought forth.”


  And the years passed by, and he died, an old man, and he was buried like unto every seed and acorn.


  And upon the day that he was buried the ancient jug was brought out together with other jugs of wine, and it was shared by the peasants of the neighbourhood. And none knew its great age.


  To them, all that is poured into a cup is only wine

  对他们说来,凡是倒进酒杯里的,都不过是酒罢了。  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇2


  On a stormy day, the crab went strolling along the beach.


  He was surprised to see the lobster preparing to set sail in his boat. Lobster,” said the crab, “it is foolhardy to venture out on a day like this. “

  它着到龙 虾准备扬帆出海,很是吃惊。 “龙虾,”螃蟹说,”在这样的天气里出海冒险,你真是太鲁莽了!”

  Perhaps so, said the lobster, but I love a squall at sea! “ “I will come with you, “ said the will not let you face such danger alone. “

  “或许吧,H龙虾说,可是,我喜欢海上的风暴。” “我和你一起去吧,一螃蟹说,一我不能让你独自面对这样的

  The lobster and the crab began their voyage. Soon they found themselves far from shore.


  Their boat was tossed and buffeted by the turbulent waters. “Crab! “ shouted the lobsterabove the roar of the wind.

  它们的小船被汹涌的海水颠簸着、击打着。 “螃蟹!”龙虾的喊声压过了呼啸的狂风,”

  For me, the splashing of the salt spray is thrilling! The crashing of every wave takes my breathaway “Lobster, I think we are sinking” cried the crab. had to admit that the day had beenpleasantly out of the ordinary.

  对我来说,浪花的 飞溅使我兴奋不已,每一个浪头涌来都让我惊心动魄。”

  ”Yes, of course, we are sinking, ‘ said the lobster. “This old boat is full of holes. Have courage,my friend. Remember, we are both creatures of the sea.”

  “龙虾,我觉得我们在下沉。”螃蟹大喊道。 -是的,当然,我们在下沉。”龙虾说,“这只旧船到处都是洞。

  The little boat capsized and sank. “ Horrors ! “ cried the crab. “Down we go!” shouted thelobster. The crab was shaken and upset.

  勇敢点儿,我的朋友。记住,咱们俩都是海里的动物。” 小船翻了,沉了下去。 “太可怕了!”螃蟹大叫。

  The lobster took him for a relaxing walk along the ocean floor. “How brave we are,” said thelobster “What a wonderful adventure we have had The crab began to feel somewhat better.

  “我们下去喽!”龙虾大喊着。 这样东摇西摆,螃蟹很不舒服。龙虾拉着它放松地在海底 走着。 _我们多勇敢啊,”龙虾说,这次冒险太棒了!” 螃蟹觉得好些了。

  Although he uauslly enjoyed a quieter existence, he had to admit that the day had beenpleasantly out of the ordinary

  虽然它平时过着平静的生活,但是它不得 不承认,这一天过得异乎寻常的愉快。  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇3


  A man bought a Donkey at the market one day and took him home on approval.


  Now the man owned several Donkeys already and he knew each one’s character very well.


  One of the Donkey was very strong and brave. Another was eager to please but quicklyexhausted.


  One Donkey was very lazy. He hated going to work in the morning and he did as little as hepossibly could all day long.


  When the other animals were being loaded up he always tried to be the last so that he wouldget the lightest load.


  The man led the new Donkey into the stable yard. For a moment he stood sniffing at his newcompanions. Then, without hesitation, he trotted up to the lazy Donkey and began feedingcomfortably at his side.


  Though it was late in the day, the man immediately led the new Donkey out of the yard, straightback to the market.


  ”You cannot have given him a fair trial yet, “said the merchant. “It is only ten minutes sinceyou bought him.”


  ”I don’t need to try him any more,” replied the man. “I know just what he is like from the friendhe chose for himself.


  Take him away and give me my money back. I can do without Donkeys like him.”




[伊索寓言双语英语小故事] 伊索寓言英语故事

  在进行小学英语教学时,将英语随堂练习的各项内容有机融入英语故事中,能有效提升练习的趣味性,促进学生学习。小编精心收集了伊索寓言双语英语小故事,供大家欣赏学习!  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇1

  The Old,The Old Wine


  Once there lived a rich man who was justly proud of his cellar and the wine therein. And there was one jug of ancient vintage kept for some occasion known only to himself.


  The governor of the state visited him, and he bethought him and said, “That jug shall not be opened for a mere governor.”


  And a bishop of the diocese visited him, but he said to himself, “Nay, I will not open that jug. He would not know its value, nor would its aroma reach his nostrils.”


  The prince of the realm came and supped with him. But he thought, “It is too royal a wine for a mere princeling.”


  And even on the day when his own nephew was married, he said to himself, “No, not to these guests shall that jug be brought forth.”


  And the years passed by, and he died, an old man, and he was buried like unto every seed and acorn.


  And upon the day that he was buried the ancient jug was brought out together with other jugs of wine, and it was shared by the peasants of the neighbourhood. And none knew its great age.


  To them, all that is poured into a cup is only wine

  对他们说来,凡是倒进酒杯里的,都不过是酒罢了。  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇2


  On a stormy day, the crab went strolling along the beach.


  He was surprised to see the lobster preparing to set sail in his boat. Lobster,” said the crab, “it is foolhardy to venture out on a day like this. “

  它着到龙 虾准备扬帆出海,很是吃惊。 “龙虾,”螃蟹说,”在这样的天气里出海冒险,你真是太鲁莽了!”

  Perhaps so, said the lobster, but I love a squall at sea! “ “I will come with you, “ said the will not let you face such danger alone. “

  “或许吧,H龙虾说,可是,我喜欢海上的风暴。” “我和你一起去吧,一螃蟹说,一我不能让你独自面对这样的

  The lobster and the crab began their voyage. Soon they found themselves far from shore.


  Their boat was tossed and buffeted by the turbulent waters. “Crab! “ shouted the lobsterabove the roar of the wind.

  它们的小船被汹涌的海水颠簸着、击打着。 “螃蟹!”龙虾的喊声压过了呼啸的狂风,”

  For me, the splashing of the salt spray is thrilling! The crashing of every wave takes my breathaway “Lobster, I think we are sinking” cried the crab. had to admit that the day had beenpleasantly out of the ordinary.

  对我来说,浪花的 飞溅使我兴奋不已,每一个浪头涌来都让我惊心动魄。”

  ”Yes, of course, we are sinking, ‘ said the lobster. “This old boat is full of holes. Have courage,my friend. Remember, we are both creatures of the sea.”

  “龙虾,我觉得我们在下沉。”螃蟹大喊道。 -是的,当然,我们在下沉。”龙虾说,“这只旧船到处都是洞。

  The little boat capsized and sank. “ Horrors ! “ cried the crab. “Down we go!” shouted thelobster. The crab was shaken and upset.

  勇敢点儿,我的朋友。记住,咱们俩都是海里的动物。” 小船翻了,沉了下去。 “太可怕了!”螃蟹大叫。

  The lobster took him for a relaxing walk along the ocean floor. “How brave we are,” said thelobster “What a wonderful adventure we have had The crab began to feel somewhat better.

  “我们下去喽!”龙虾大喊着。 这样东摇西摆,螃蟹很不舒服。龙虾拉着它放松地在海底 走着。 _我们多勇敢啊,”龙虾说,这次冒险太棒了!” 螃蟹觉得好些了。

  Although he uauslly enjoyed a quieter existence, he had to admit that the day had beenpleasantly out of the ordinary

  虽然它平时过着平静的生活,但是它不得 不承认,这一天过得异乎寻常的愉快。  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇3


  A man bought a Donkey at the market one day and took him home on approval.


  Now the man owned several Donkeys already and he knew each one’s character very well.


  One of the Donkey was very strong and brave. Another was eager to please but quicklyexhausted.


  One Donkey was very lazy. He hated going to work in the morning and he did as little as hepossibly could all day long.


  When the other animals were being loaded up he always tried to be the last so that he wouldget the lightest load.


  The man led the new Donkey into the stable yard. For a moment he stood sniffing at his newcompanions. Then, without hesitation, he trotted up to the lazy Donkey and began feedingcomfortably at his side.


  Though it was late in the day, the man immediately led the new Donkey out of the yard, straightback to the market.


  ”You cannot have given him a fair trial yet, “said the merchant. “It is only ten minutes sinceyou bought him.”


  ”I don’t need to try him any more,” replied the man. “I know just what he is like from the friendhe chose for himself.


  Take him away and give me my money back. I can do without Donkeys like him.”




















[伊索寓言双语英语小故事] 伊索寓言英语故事

  在进行小学英语教学时,将英语随堂练习的各项内容有机融入英语故事中,能有效提升练习的趣味性,促进学生学习。小编精心收集了伊索寓言双语英语小故事,供大家欣赏学习!  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇1

  The Old,The Old Wine


  Once there lived a rich man who was justly proud of his cellar and the wine therein. And there was one jug of ancient vintage kept for some occasion known only to himself.


  The governor of the state visited him, and he bethought him and said, “That jug shall not be opened for a mere governor.”


  And a bishop of the diocese visited him, but he said to himself, “Nay, I will not open that jug. He would not know its value, nor would its aroma reach his nostrils.”


  The prince of the realm came and supped with him. But he thought, “It is too royal a wine for a mere princeling.”


  And even on the day when his own nephew was married, he said to himself, “No, not to these guests shall that jug be brought forth.”


  And the years passed by, and he died, an old man, and he was buried like unto every seed and acorn.


  And upon the day that he was buried the ancient jug was brought out together with other jugs of wine, and it was shared by the peasants of the neighbourhood. And none knew its great age.


  To them, all that is poured into a cup is only wine

  对他们说来,凡是倒进酒杯里的,都不过是酒罢了。  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇2


  On a stormy day, the crab went strolling along the beach.


  He was surprised to see the lobster preparing to set sail in his boat. Lobster,” said the crab, “it is foolhardy to venture out on a day like this. “

  它着到龙 虾准备扬帆出海,很是吃惊。 “龙虾,”螃蟹说,”在这样的天气里出海冒险,你真是太鲁莽了!”

  Perhaps so, said the lobster, but I love a squall at sea! “ “I will come with you, “ said the will not let you face such danger alone. “

  “或许吧,H龙虾说,可是,我喜欢海上的风暴。” “我和你一起去吧,一螃蟹说,一我不能让你独自面对这样的

  The lobster and the crab began their voyage. Soon they found themselves far from shore.


  Their boat was tossed and buffeted by the turbulent waters. “Crab! “ shouted the lobsterabove the roar of the wind.

  它们的小船被汹涌的海水颠簸着、击打着。 “螃蟹!”龙虾的喊声压过了呼啸的狂风,”

  For me, the splashing of the salt spray is thrilling! The crashing of every wave takes my breathaway “Lobster, I think we are sinking” cried the crab. had to admit that the day had beenpleasantly out of the ordinary.

  对我来说,浪花的 飞溅使我兴奋不已,每一个浪头涌来都让我惊心动魄。”

  ”Yes, of course, we are sinking, ‘ said the lobster. “This old boat is full of holes. Have courage,my friend. Remember, we are both creatures of the sea.”

  “龙虾,我觉得我们在下沉。”螃蟹大喊道。 -是的,当然,我们在下沉。”龙虾说,“这只旧船到处都是洞。

  The little boat capsized and sank. “ Horrors ! “ cried the crab. “Down we go!” shouted thelobster. The crab was shaken and upset.

  勇敢点儿,我的朋友。记住,咱们俩都是海里的动物。” 小船翻了,沉了下去。 “太可怕了!”螃蟹大叫。

  The lobster took him for a relaxing walk along the ocean floor. “How brave we are,” said thelobster “What a wonderful adventure we have had The crab began to feel somewhat better.

  “我们下去喽!”龙虾大喊着。 这样东摇西摆,螃蟹很不舒服。龙虾拉着它放松地在海底 走着。 _我们多勇敢啊,”龙虾说,这次冒险太棒了!” 螃蟹觉得好些了。

  Although he uauslly enjoyed a quieter existence, he had to admit that the day had beenpleasantly out of the ordinary

  虽然它平时过着平静的生活,但是它不得 不承认,这一天过得异乎寻常的愉快。  伊索寓言双语英语小故事篇3


  A man bought a Donkey at the market one day and took him home on approval.


  Now the man owned several Donkeys already and he knew each one’s character very well.


  One of the Donkey was very strong and brave. Another was eager to please but quicklyexhausted.


  One Donkey was very lazy. He hated going to work in the morning and he did as little as hepossibly could all day long.


  When the other animals were being loaded up he always tried to be the last so that he wouldget the lightest load.


  The man led the new Donkey into the stable yard. For a moment he stood sniffing at his newcompanions. Then, without hesitation, he trotted up to the lazy Donkey and began feedingcomfortably at his side.


  Though it was late in the day, the man immediately led the new Donkey out of the yard, straightback to the market.


  ”You cannot have given him a fair trial yet, “said the merchant. “It is only ten minutes sinceyou bought him.”


  ”I don’t need to try him any more,” replied the man. “I know just what he is like from the friendhe chose for himself.


  Take him away and give me my money back. I can do without Donkeys like him.”





