
发布时间:2019-08-13 点击:


miscarriage of justice 例句
    Roman philosopher. Falsely accused of treason, he wrote The Consolation of Philosophy, an account of classical thought, while awaiting his execution. 波伊提乌,阿尼修斯·马尼利乌斯·塞维里努斯罗马哲学家,被误判判国罪处死。在狱中写成以柏拉图思想为理论依据的名著哲学的慰藉 Of course, Charlie and I may misread the fundamental economics of a business. 当然查理跟我确实会误判一家企业的基础竞争力 When he mistakenly judged that the international situation was favorable to him, he rejected negotiation 当他错误判断国际形势对他有利时,就不再商谈。 Permissible misinterpret 许可的错误判断 Fortunately, an error resulting in a miscarriage of justice has yet to be demonstrated in forensic DNA casework, although it is perhaps inevitable that it will occur someday. 幸运的是,在DNA个案中,因为误差导致误判还没有被发现,虽然不可避免的在将来的某一天会出现。 The Football Association has rejected the Tottenham striker Mido"s claim for wrongful dismissal during Saturday"s2-0 defreat by Chelsea and he will have to serve a three-match ban. 英足总已经驳回了热刺前锋米多对于在上周日热刺0-2负于切尔西比赛中裁判误判的申诉,他将被禁赛三场。 Do you know the Americans wrongly convicted of capital crimes? 你认识那些被误判死罪的美国人吗?




