
发布时间:2019-08-13 点击:


even if
even though 例句
    Even after college, people over 21 who are as yet unmarried frequently live apart from their parents 即使在大学之后,二十一岁以上的人,虽然还没有结婚,也常常与父母分居。 Even if you punish the murderer, that can"t give me back my dead son 即使你惩办凶手,也不能使我的儿子起死回生。 I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I will continue. 我要加倍努力,直到精疲力竭。即使这样,我还要继续努力。 If one is enough, a second although useful is needless. 如果一个够了,那么第二个即使有用,也是不需要的。 Even so, viewers are usually warned in advance that they "may find some of these scenes disturbing" so they can look away if they choose 即使这样,他们还经常事先警告观众他们“可能会看到一些令人不安的场面”,因此可以随意转看别的节目。 "In these cases, the parental cells differ at least with respect to genotype if not phenotype as well." 这些情况下,亲本细胞即使不在表现型上至少也在基因型上有区别。 "The title goes back to the Middle Ages, and even today heads of Continental universities are often called rector," she observes 她向我们解释说“这一衔头(rector)起源于中世纪,即使在现在,欧洲大陆的一些大学校长.也常称为rector。” Delay is not permissible,even for a single day. 不得延误,即使一日亦不可. Try to act naturally, even if you"re tense 即使紧张也不要做作 "Such fine prints are considered original works of art, even though they can exist in multiple copies." 这些精致的版画成品即使可多次复制,仍被视为艺术原作。




